How to Write Copy That Grabs Your Readers Attention

They say variety is the spice of life.

Which I think is true (unless we are talking about chocolate, when Lindt is the only option).

Even the most exciting things can get boring if you do them too often, that is.

I mean, we've all seen Groundhog Day, right? 🙄

Well, it turns out that variety isn't just the spice of life but also the spice of copy and marketing. 

You see, our brains have way too much information to process.

So, over time they've become programmed to look for new things that could be a threat or something good.

This programming allows our brains to quickly sift through all that we hear, see, smell and feel.

Quite a clever system if you think about it.

And as a human race, we are hardly rare, so it seems to be working.

So how does this relate to your marketing and copy?🤔

Well, as I said earlier, our brains are looking for things that are different.

Things that are not the norm.

So, whilst a consistent message is essential, you must also write to grab some attention and keep it.

So here are a few suggestions that may help you:

  • Look at how your competitors are delivering their message. Find something they are missing and talk about it.

  • Deliver your message differently from everyone else. Such as by video or direct mail.

  • Look at other industries and see what you can adopt from them that no one in your industry is doing.

Do it right, and you'll grab your ideal client’s attention. Preventing their brains from switching off and adding you to the seen-it-before pile! 🥱😴

Written by Rebecca Harrison, a direct response copywriter from Newbury in Berkshire who can work anywhere in the world (by the power of the internet).